Rachel is currently a graduate student at the University of Minnesota working on a PhD in microbiology. She previously taught high school science for 'at-risk' kids in Arizona. She is a mother, a women's rights activist and advocate for science education.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Minnesota Judicial Elections 2010 (part 2)

In the first district court 8, incumbent Judge Timothy Blakely is challenged by Larry Clark.  Most recently, Judge Blakely was suspended and censured for misconduct involving directing clients to his divorce attorney in exchange for discount on his own divorce. Larry Clark has been endorsed by MN Bar over Judge Blakely.  Mr. Clark has previously worked for the Human Rights Commission and believes strongly in keeping judicial elections nonpartisan.

Hastings Star Gazette

Q: Do you intend to seek endorsement and/or financial contributions from political parties and other special-interest groups? If so, which organizations/individuals have endorsed you?
A: I feel very strongly that the judiciary must remain impartial and nonpartisan. I will not accept endorsements from any political organizations. Political parties have their place, but it is not in the judiciary. Judicial candidates should be elected based on their qualifications and their performance, and they should not be tied to any party platform or agenda. To do otherwise, would threaten the impartiality of our judges and the confidence the electorate has in the judicial system.

The second district court 16 is between Gloria Bogen and Mark Ireland. Both believe judicial case load is one of the most important issues judges face today. Both have numerous endorsements from legislators and local officials, Gloria Bogen was endorsed by the pioneer press. Ms. Bogen is Executive Director/Attorney at legal assistance of Washington County and has been a member of the board of Zoning Appeals for the past 16 years and co-chaired the St. Paul police committee recommending John Harrington for the post in 2004.  Mark Ireland is a former assistant attorney general and current special counsel to Hennepin County prosecuting mortgage fraud. Neither candidate seems to support politicizing the judicial process.
(I believe that the courts benefit with intelligent and competent women on the bench.)

Series of questions asked by e-democracy:
Court resources
Judicial philosophy
Courage in the role of a judge
Thoughts on search warrants

In the second district court 27, Connie S. Iversen is running against incumbent Judge Leary. Judge Leary was appointed and won re-election in 2004. Prior to his appointment, he was a civil litigation attorney with an emphasis on health-care litigation, professional liability and work-place discrimination.  He helped form the Ramsey County Mental Health Court, that works with social services to help provide some stability for chronic offenders who are mentally ill.  Connie Iversen is a public defender in Ramsey County and an adjunct professor. A search of Judge Leary shows that he held a public defender in contempt of court for what looks like being chronically late and ignoring a court order.  Ms. Iversen mentions this case on her web page and quote from a Pioneer Press article (which you have to pay for to read). She quotes that the Pioneer Press author states, “Critics have described Leary as a judge who throws his weight around and sometimes fails to treat fellow professionals with respect.” This is a tiny bit of mud throwing and I could find no substantiation of this claim.  If anyone knows more about this judge, please leave a comment.

Again, the information from E-democracy.org was very helpful and both gave well-reasoned answers.
Court resources
Thoughts on search warrents
Judicial philosophy

Other posts in this series:
1. http://www.mnprogressiveproject.com/diary/7286/minnesota-judicial-elections-2010
3. http://www.mnprogressiveproject.com/diary/7609/minnesota-judicial-elections-2010-part-3

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