Rachel is currently a graduate student at the University of Minnesota working on a PhD in microbiology. She previously taught high school science for 'at-risk' kids in Arizona. She is a mother, a women's rights activist and advocate for science education.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Increase in STIs and the MN GOP

As the recount begins, we continue to be thankful for our (soon to be) first prochoice governor in many years.  With republican majorities in both the house and senate, Dayton will be our last line of defense against the upcoming regression for education, public health and women’s rights. The republican minority has repeatedly attempted to remove funding from organizations that are ‘directly or indirectly affiliated with a provider of abortions or that is directly or indirectly involved in providing abortions.’ This would prevent funding from going to the majority of women’s health centers who, along with either providing or referring patients for this medical procedure, provide primary care for overwhelmingly underserved populations.

Will the republicans continue to play politics with the health and lives of Minnesotans? They have continued to fight against comprehensive sexuality education preferring the failed practice of abstinence only education.  All the while, the rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to rise in Minnesota.


“As a major provider of education, testing and treatment of STI’s throughout Minnesota we know firsthand the importance of developing a strategy to address this health threat,” said PPMNS President and CEO Sarah Stoesz. “This study underscores what Planned Parenthood already knows: Women, men and teens need to know how to protect themselves against sexually transmitted infections. They need medically accurate and age appropriate information and access to preventive health care to build healthier, brighter futures,” Stoesz said.

The majority of parents support schools providing comprehensive sexuality education.  Hopefully, the legislature will promote educating and protecting our youth from the life-long problems STIs can bring.